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Surviving Diet Culture During the Holidays: Tips for a Stress-Free Festive Season

Writer's picture: JamieJamie

As the festive season approaches, many of us look forward to the joyous gatherings, delightful meals, and heartwarming traditions. However, it's also a time when diet culture is most pervasive, making its presence known through intrusive comments about food choices, body sizes, and weight loss. This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide on how to navigate the festive season without falling into the trap of diet culture.

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What Exactly is Diet Culture?

Diet culture, a term coined by anti-diet advocates, refers to the pervasive societal belief system that equates thinness with health and moral virtue. This belief system promotes restrictive eating, excessive exercise, and the notion of 'good' and 'bad' foods.

Diet culture is the false idea that only thin bodies are healthy and that we need to eat or look a certain way in order to be healthy.

Diet culture is not only detrimental to our physical health but also our mental wellbeing. It fosters a negative body image, guilt, and anxiety around food, leading to harmful behaviours like disordered eating.

The Impact of Diet Culture During the Festive Season

During the festive season, diet culture often intensifies. The abundance of food and the social pressure to partake in traditional meals can be anxiety-inducing for many. Conversations around weight loss, diets, and body size often arise, especially in group settings, causing discomfort and potentially triggering disordered eating habits.

Furthermore, media and social platforms amplify toxic messages surrounding food and body image. Advertisements for diets, gym memberships, and 'detox' programs are rampant, further perpetuating the harmful narratives of diet culture.

How to Rise Above Diet Culture this Festive Season

Despite the challenges, it's possible to enjoy the festive season without succumbing to diet culture. Here are some strategies to help you navigate this time of year with a positive and healthy mindset.

1. Embrace Mindful Eating

Mindful eating involves paying attention to your body's hunger and fullness cues, eating without distraction, and enjoying your food without judgement. It encourages you to eat the foods you love, without guilt or self-punishment.

Tip: Instead of labelling foods as 'good' or 'bad', try referring to them by their actual names. This simple change can help reduce guilt and promote a healthier relationship with food.

2. Set Boundaries

Setting boundaries with friends and family about food and body talk can be an effective way to reduce diet culture's impact. Politely express your preference not to engage in discussions about dieting, weight loss, or body size. If a conversation is making you uncomfortable, it's perfectly okay to excuse yourself or switch topics.

Example: "I'd prefer not to talk about diets or body sizes. Let's discuss something more interesting, like our favourite festive traditions!"

3. Stay Away from the 'Balance' Myth

The idea of needing to 'balance out' our food intake – by skipping meals to 'save calories' for a festive dinner, for instance – is a common diet culture myth. It's important to understand that food is a necessity, not a reward or punishment. Eating and moving should be based on what feels good for your body, not on compensating for what you ate or will eat.

4. Cultivate Body Positivity

Body positivity encourages acceptance and appreciation of all body types. Remember, your worth is not defined by your body size or shape. Try to focus on what your body can do and how it feels, rather than how it looks.

5. Connect with Supportive Communities

Surrounding yourself with people who understand the harmful impact of diet culture can be incredibly empowering. Connect with body positivity influencers, join supportive online communities, or consider seeking professional help if you're struggling with body image or disordered eating.

6. Limit Exposure to Diet Culture

Take steps to limit your exposure to diet culture by unfollowing social media accounts that promote dieting, weight loss, or body shaming. Seek out content that promotes body acceptance, diversity, and health at every size.

7. Practice Self-Care

Self-care is essential, especially during the festive season. Ensure you're getting enough sleep, engaging in activities you enjoy, and nourishing your body with a variety of foods.


Navigating the festive season while avoiding the pitfalls of diet culture might seem challenging, but it's definitely achievable. By practising mindful eating, setting boundaries, cultivating body positivity, and connecting with supportive communities, you can enjoy the festive season without compromising your mental and physical wellbeing. Remember, the festive season is a time for celebration, connection, and joy – not guilt, body shaming, or dieting.


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